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Cure for toenail fungus

You can apply 1 or 2 drops of tea tree oil directly to infected finger and toe nails 3 times komen race for the daily hpv. For people who are for sickle cell anemia sensitive to direct application of tea tree oils may try soaking their nails in treated water or applying lotion or powder on them. Cure for toenail fungus is the best way to help anyone with this problem.
Fungal Nail Lotion

4 teaspoons cider vinegar
1/8 cup (30 ml) of distilled water or boiled water
10 drops lavender oil
6 drops of tea tree
Pour vinegar into a dark glass bottle. Add the essential oils and shake well. Then add the water and shake again. Swab affected areas with cotton 3 times daily. Shake well prior to application for each use to disperse the oils.
Fungal Foot Powder

2 tablespoon of corn flour or unscented talc
15 drops of lavender
5 drops of peppermint
Put corn flour or talc into a small plastic bag. Add the essential oils. Tie or zip close the bag securely and let sit for 24 hours allowing the oils to spread through base. Shake well before using first time.

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